To understand the ancient science of India & its importance and relevance in current scenario is a need which Vidhnyan Bharati felt. Vidhnyan Bharati started this Vyakhan Mala which is organised twice a year. Dr. Rakesh Kumar - Director, NEERI delivered a lecture on “Healing Powers of Ganga”, Dr. Varshney of Kamdhenu Univeesity spoke on Agricultural Development of India & Vidarbha, Dr. Rama Jaysunder talked on “Ayurveda - Antiquated or state of Art“, lecture of Shri U. Raja Babu on Technological Challenges: Missile & Space Defence (Mission Shakti) India's First Anti Satellite Weapon (A-SAT), the latest was the Swantrata Sangram & Vidhnyan was delivered by Shri. Jayant Sahasrabuddhe.